Launch: Roboflow Starter Plan
Published Mar 27, 2023 • 2 min read
Heads up! We've added new plans, starting at $65/month. Learn more about available plans here. The Starter plan outlined in this post is no longer available for new customers.

Our mission at Roboflow is to democratize access to computer vision. As part of that effort, we believe price transparency and self-service purchasing options are the next evolution of providing computer vision tools for everyone.

Today we are excited to announce Roboflow now offers a plan for which you can pay online. This is ideal for anyone starting to build computer vision applications. No request access, confusing credits, business email, see a demo, contact us, or talk to sales required. Sign up, enter your payment information, and start leveraging the features in your upgraded account.

Startups and small businesses are a part of Roboflow’s DNA; over 250,000 developers build with us and many utilize our free (forever) plan. Roboflow is leaning into that DNA with the launch of a new Starter Plan pricing tier. This tier is designed for individuals and small teams to accelerate their computer vision projects with access to higher usage limits, advanced features, and private workspaces.

The Starter Plan is priced at $249 per month, and is cancellable anytime. This flexibility, combined with the premium features included in the Starter Plan, is everything a team needs to start building computer vision into their business.

Compared to the existing Roboflow free plans, the Starter Plan offers users:

  • Private Projects;
  • The ability to work with up to 10,000 source images;
  • Ten training credits to start;
  • Five additional free training credits every month;
  • Five variants per image and;
  • 10,000 monthly hosted inference API calls.

The Starter Plan has already been instrumental for Commiotec AB CEO, Henric Heimdal. “Roboflow is quick and easy to set up and has been perfect for my upcoming demo with a custom dataset. The team’s commitment to customer satisfaction were nothing but exceptional. They provided me with personalized assistance that made a real difference in my experience introducing Roboflow as a Machine learning platform.”

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Jacob Witt. (Mar 27, 2023). Launch: Roboflow Starter Plan. Roboflow Blog:

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Written by

Jacob Witt