Teams for All: Create Free Teams on Roboflow
Published Jan 17, 2021 • 2 min read

Machine learning is a team sport, and getting a computer vision model to production is no exception. All parts of the process are improved with a team: collecting data from multiple sources; annotating data with colleagues; sharing versioned datasets; and using deployed models.

We're pleased to introduce free teams on Roboflow. By inviting your team to Roboflow, you can easily share datasets, annotate together, and use individual API keys per account for image uploads and model inference.

Teams of three or fewer are free on Roboflow's Starter Plan. For larger teams and Pro features (like enriched annotation workflows, advanced augmentation, health checks, integrations with AWS, GCP, and Azure, and more), be sure to get in touch.

Getting Started with Roboflow Teams

To create a Team in Roboflow, visit your account page:

There, you'll have the ability to Create a Team, and Invite Friends.

Account page Roboflow
Visit your Account Page to Create a Team and Invite Friends.

Once your team is created, you can then seamlessly invite friends with this link:

Add teammate Roboflow
Once on a team, Add a Teammate seamlessly.

Sharing Datasets with Your Team

Any dataset can be shared with your team. Simply open that dataset and click "Team Sharing" on the lefthand side.

Microsoft COCO dataset in Roboflow
Click "Team Sharing" on the left hand side.

For any dataset that you own, you have the rights to share it.

Share dataset with a team in Roboflow
You can share any dataset you own with your team.

Annotating Images with Your Team

Team annotation makes the process much quicker.

We've written a dedicated post on the recommended workflow for team annotation in Roboflow:

How To Annotate Images with Your Team Using Roboflow
Dataset annotation is better with teams: you can move more quickly, keepeveryone on the same page, track annotation progress, and easier provideexamples of what the ultimate dataset should look like. In this post, we’ll walkthrough an example workflow of annotating data with yourteam using Rob…

Don't forget to read our annotation best practices for how to label images for computer vision.

And that's it! Simply invite your team and you're off to the races.

Cite this Post

Use the following entry to cite this post in your research:

Joseph Nelson. (Jan 17, 2021). Teams for All: Create Free Teams on Roboflow. Roboflow Blog:

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Written by

Joseph Nelson
Roboflow cofounder and CEO. On a mission to transform every industry by democratizing computer vision. Previously founded and sold a machine learning company.