Model Training

How to Label Sports Data for Computer Vision Models

In this guide, we discuss tips on how to effectively label sports data for use in training computer vision models.

What is Machine Vision?

In this guide, we discuss what machine vision is and how you can use machine vision for defect detection and product quality assurance.

How to Train a Custom Ultralytics YOLOv8 Pose Estimation Model

In this guide, we walk through how to train a custom YOLOv8 pose estimation model with your own dataset.

What is YOLOv6? The Ultimate Guide.

In this guide, we discuss what YOLOv6 is, how the model works, and the architectural improvements made in YOLOv6 over its predecessors.

What is YOLOv7? A Complete Guide.

In this guide, we discuss what YOLOv7 is, how the model works, and the novel model architecture changes in YOLOv7.

NeurIPS 2023 Papers Highlights

Introduction NeurIPS 2023, the conference and workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems, took place December 10th through 16th. The conference showcased the latest in machine learning and artificial intelligence. This

Detecting Complex and Amorphous Features of Marine Sponges

In this post, Andy Portalatin describes work done for his master's thesis toward detecting complex and amorphous features of marine sponges.

What is Few-Shot Learning?

In this blog post, we discuss what few-shot learning is, architectural approaches for implementing few-shot learning, and specific implementations of few-shot learning techniques.

Comparing Custom Models to Google Cloud Vision API

In this guide, we go over how to evaluate object detection models on Roboflow Universe versus Google Cloud Vision.

How to Detect Objects with YOLOv8

Learn how to detect objects with YOLOv8 using pre-trained and custom-trained object detection models.

What is Zero-Shot Classification?

Learn what zero-shot classification is, what zero-shot classification is used for, and how to use zero-shot classification to solve computer vision problems.

What is an Image Embedding?

Learn what image embeddings are and explore four use cases for embeddings: classifying images and video, clustering images, and image search.

DINO-GPT4-V: Use GPT-4V in a Two-Stage Detection Model

In this guide, we introduce DINO-GPT4V, a model that uses Grounding DINO to detect general objects and GPT-4V to refine labels.

What is Keypoint Detection?

In this guide, we discuss what keypoint detection is, common architectures used for keypoint detection, and the high-level steps to build a keypoint detection model.

Launch: Roboflow Logistics Pre-trained Object Detection Model

Starting a machine learning model from zero is computationally expensive and time-consuming. Pre-trained models solve this by offering a jump-start: they come with learned features from extensive training on large

Comparing Computer Vision Models On Custom Data

In this guide, show how to compare how two person detection models on Roboflow Universe perform using a benchmark dataset and supervision.

How to Use FastViT

In this guide, we talk about what FastViT is and show how to experiment with FastViT using the autodistill-fastvit wrapper.

Train a Computer Vision Model with AWS Rekognition Custom Labels

In this guide, you will learn how to train a computer vision model using AWS Rekognition Custom Labels.

Label a Computer Vision Dataset with Azure Custom Vision

In this guide, you will learn how to label a dataset in Azure Custom Vision for use in training a computer vision model.

Train a Computer Vision Model with Azure Custom Vision

In this guide, you will learn how to train a computer vision model using Azure Custom Vision.

Train a Computer Vision Model with Vertex AI

In this guide, you will learn how to train a computer vision model with Vertex AI. You will also learn how to deploy an endpoint to test your model.

Scaling up ViT Image Classification on Gaudi2 HPUs

Training large image transformers comes with heavy compute requirements - enter the Gaudi2 from Habana Labs, an Intel company.

How to Use Kaggle for Computer Vision

In this guide, we show how to use Kaggle Notebooks for computer vision tasks.

What is Mask2Former? The Ultimate Guide.

In this guide, we discuss what Mask2Former is, how the model works, and how Mask2Former performs on various computer vision tasks.

Ultimate Guide to Converting Bounding Boxes, Masks and Polygons

In this guide, we show how to convert bounding boxes (xyxy), masks, and polygons.