Danger Monitoring for Cyclists using Raspberry Pi and Object Detection
3 min read

Danger Monitoring for Cyclists using Raspberry Pi and Object Detection

This is a guest post authored by Herberto Warner [https://www.linkedin.com/in/h-werner-252876209/] and lightly edited by the Roboflow team. Herberto's Github [https://github.com/Hberto/dangerMonitoringAIObjectDetect] hosts all of the images used in his project. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Increasing numbers of dangers and accidents for cyclists Cyclists
How to Use Google Earth Engine and Python API to Export Images to Roboflow
4 min read

How to Use Google Earth Engine and Python API to Export Images to Roboflow

This is a guest post written by Ethan Arsht and Raluca Cîrju. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Google Earth Engine [https://earthengine.google.com/] is a powerful tool for analyzing and acquiring geographic data. Machine learning experts use Google Earth Engine to identify physical attributes and analyze patterns, in areas including forestry, farmland, ice
Improving Cancer Research with Computer Vision
3 min read

Improving Cancer Research with Computer Vision

Computer vision is improving life sciences. From the early identification of cancer [https://venturebeat.com/2020/01/01/google-healths-ai-identifies-breast-cancer-in-mammogram-imagery-with-fewer-false-positives/] to improving plant health [https://public.roboflow.com/object-detection/plantdoc], machine vision is enabling us to create more accurate diagnoses, cures, and research methods. Mateo Sokac is advancing progress in cancer
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