Product Updates

How to Train and Deploy Custom Models to Your OAK

In this blog, we'll walk through the Roboflow custom model deployment process to the OAK and show just how seamless it can be.

Partnering with Luxonis and OpenCV for Seamless Deployment to OpenCV AI Kit

Deploying computer vision models to the edge is critical to unlocking new use cases like in places with limited internet connectivity or where minimal latency is essential. That might be

Roboflow Changelog: May 2021

The changelog is our compendium of monthly updates. If you want to take a walk down memory lane, you can being your trip back in time with last month'

Roboflow's new User Interface

When you log into your Roboflow account you'll notice a fresh look, but the features you know and love are all still just a click away. We'

How to Use Roboflow with IBM Visual Recognition (IBM Watson vs Roboflow)

IBM recently announced they are shutting down IBM Visual Inspection, their product for creating custom computer vision models for classification and object detection. No new instances can be created and

Roboflow Changelog: April 2021

Each month we bring you the high level bullet-points of improvements and additions to Roboflow. If you missed it, last month's changelog is here [

Video Inference with Roboflow

One common question we get is "Can I use my Roboflow model on a video?" The answer is yes! Videos are really just a sequence of images, so

Introducing Roboflow Support for NVIDIA Jetson

💡Roboflow Inference, which you can use to deploy computer vision models to a Jetson (among many other devices), is now available as an open source project. See the Quickstart to

Roboflow Changelog: March 2021

The monthly changelog showcases improvements in Roboflow over the past month. You can find the previous changelog here []. In February we had a major focus

Introducing Upload Batches, the Unannotated Queue, and Mark as Null

This week we updated the workflow for uploading and annotating images to streamline the process, help you keep track of your progress, and make it easier to divide work amongst

Roboflow Changelog: February 2021

Welcome to our monthly roundup post of new features and enhancements. You can find the previous changelog here []. The biggest new features released this month

Launch: Model Assisted Labeling

Use Roboflow Trained Models to Annotate Data One of the most time-consuming parts of the computer vision workflow is curating a high-quality dataset. When we launched Roboflow Annotate last month

Teams for All: Create Free Teams on Roboflow

Machine learning is a team sport, and getting a computer vision model to production is no exception. All parts of the process are improved with a team: collecting data from

Using the Upload API to Collect Images from the Wild

The key to production quality machine learning models is continuous iteration and improvement. The first step is getting a model that is "good enough" for your first version.

Introducing the Object Count Histogram

We are excited to announce the introduction of object count histograms, now available in the Roboflow dataset health check.

Roboflow Changelog: January 2021

Welcome to our monthly changelog where we catalog our recent feature additions and improvements. If you missed it, you can find last month's changelog here [https://blog.roboflow.

Get a Hosted API for your Object Detection Model

Roboflow provides tools for labeling [], organizing [], and training [] a computer vision model []. Once

Introducing Roboflow Annotate

Since we launched Roboflow [] in early 2020, our vision has always been to improve and streamline the workflow of computer vision projects so that developers can focus

Share Your Datasets with the Computer Vision Community

Computer vision problems start with finding high quality image datasets. Fortunately, access to common image data is increasingly easier. Datasets like Microsoft's COCO dataset [

Roboflow Changelog: December 2020

Welcome to the first of our monthly changelogs where we will be cataloging our recent feature additions and improvements. Roboflow Organize * Added ability to rebalance train/test split [https://blog.

Revamping Train, Validation, Test, Split Management

Splitting data into train, validation, and test splits is essential to building good computer vision models. Today, we are announcing in-app changes to Roboflow that make it even easier to manage your train test splits as you are working through the computer vision workflow.

Hands on with the Roboflow Infer Web Application Interface Builder

After you train a model with Roboflow Train [], you're provided with three immediate ways to use your model: a curl command, the direct

Evaluating Object Detection Models with mAP by Class

When evaluating an object detection model in computer vision, mean average precision [] is the most commonly cited metric for assessing performance. Remember, mean average precision

Train Test Split Guide and Overview

In order to ensure our models are generalizing well (rather than memorizing training data), it is best practice to create a train, test split. That is, absent rigor, our models

Introducing an Improved Shear Augmentation

Today, we introduce a new and improved shear augmentation. We'll walk through some details on the change, as well as some intuition and results backing up our reasoning.